Learning to Play the Piano- A Traditional Teacher or the Modern Way?

I think to best answer this question, you need to ask yourself what you wish to achieve?


If you are looking at concert pianist status, I think I can comfortably suggest a traditional teacher and music school is the way to go.


On the other hand, if you are just interested in playing for pleasurem, then you could go either the traditional way, or the modern, online style of course.


The main benefit in online courses is that you can study when it suits you, even if it is two in the morning. I don’t know of too many teachers that are happy to accept pupils at two am.


However, even though some online courses are very good, it is difficult without the absolute guidance of a professional. 


However, \the Rocket Piano course is probably the next best thing, if you can’t afford a teacher or have access to one for that matter. The courses are delivered online by download, so you can review the material in your own time, and that is very flexible.


Now the case with Rocket piano is that the team who have developed it are all at Grade 8 level, so they’ve been around for a while.They have knowledge in all genera’s of piano . The system comprises of three book sof information as well as electronic tutorials.

The lessons have also been created to cater for all levels of player, regardless of weather you have just begun, or are at a much more advanced level.

To Learn More about this course, please head over to Rocket Piano.

Can I Overcome Hardship in my Life and Career?

I think this is an important questioon to ask ourselves, time and time again, when difficulty strikes, as inevitably, we can all suffer from set backs from time to time.

As you are no doubt only too well aware, the difference between the winners and the losers, to use a term, is the mindset we apply, as well as our creativity…

What do I mean here?

Well, whilst I am going to refer to Lionel Bowman as my subject in this example, there are countless people who have mixed sheer determination, creativity, and  opportunity to turn an otherwise seemingly bleak situation into a benefit, not only for themselves, but for others as well.


I was greatly privellaged to be given the honour and opportunity to transcribe the manual on The Magic Touch, or Therapeutic Techniques for Pianists to an electronic format

In so doing, I was able to learn about the human spirit in overcoming adversity, and that lesson alone, if for nothing else, was worth its weight in gold.


However, being a piano player, either for pleasure or professional gain, the impact of this manual compounds itself greatly, and provides a light to all pianists experiencing pain and difficulty in playing various complex works. This can greatly enhance the difficulty that many people with small hands may also be experiencing.


Mr Wallace Tate has successfully taken a complex subject matter, and explained it in a readable, and relatively easy way to understand. This skill, in itself is a rare gem, and I can thoroughly recommend the manual to all serious piano players. 

Having learned the piano myself, I could certainly have benefited from this information many years ago. The bonus fact, however, is that it is not too late to implement the techniques created by Professor Bowman. The book, apart from a learning tool of great value, is testimony to man's ability to overcome all difficulties, no matter how seemingly hard, at the time. It also has benefited countless students to massively enhance their playing technique, and resulting sound at the keyboard.